
Product Range

Allen-Bradley CR30 Software Configurable Safety Relay
Allen-Bradley CR30 Software Configurable Safety Relay

The Allen-Bradley Guardmaster® 440C-CR30 Software Configurable Safety Relay is a flexible, cost-effective solution. Ideal for applications requiring up to ten dual-channel safety circuits and controlling up to five output zones. Configurable via Studio 5000 Logix Designer or Connected Components Workbench. Optional EtherNet/IP plug in module for sharing information with controller system.

Allen-Bradley MSR Safety Relay Single Function
Allen-Bradley MSR Safety Relay Single Function

The Allen-Bradley Single-Function and Specialty Relays are designed for small or single-zone safety applications. Ideal for safe speed control (MSR57), back EMF monitor (MSR55), safety control circuits involving light curtains, laser scanners, safety mats, interlock switches, guard locking interlocks, two-hand controls, safety edges, enabling devices and E-stop push buttons.