
Product Family

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Design Suite Software

The FactoryTalk® DesignSuite brings together engineering and design elements into one standard framework, enabling optimised productivity and reduced commissioning time. System architects are able to reference the same design processes by reusing content and shared data between engineering tools, reducing development cycles and risk, while enhancing operational efficiency.

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Innovation Suite Software

The FactoryTalk® InnovationSuite, powered by PTC is a comprehensive portfolio bringing edge-to-enterprise analytics, machine learning, industrial internet of things (IIoT) and augmented reality (AR) to industrial operations. Simplifying data management by leveraging information required in decision making situations and ensuring data-driven decisions align with requirements to drive improvements.

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Maintenance Suite Software

FactoryTalk® MaintenanceSuite is designed for the maintenance scheduling of key assets and network devices by predicting issues before they occur. Collaborative tools and seamless integration with critical data sources enhances security while allowing personnel access to real time information, reducing downtime and optimising productivity.

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Operation Suite Software

FactoryTalk® OperationSuite software is designed to deliver contextual, role-based information for system and process improvement via single reporting and analytics deployment at machine and line level. With information at hand, operators can confidently manage production and quality while ensuring maximum operational efficiency.